What I like about staying home

In spite of being in “stay at home” for the time being, I’ll add a few things here and there that go along with my son’s “home learning” material, so him and I can do it together, and I can get back to blogging again.

The first day is: What I like about stay home

I like staying home, because I get to spend more time with my son, even though I’m a SAHM (stay at home mom) anyways. I like teaching him new things he does and doesn’t learn at school to help him learn what he’ll learn soon. I like not having to always go places, but I miss being able to go where I want to go. And I miss the free time I’ve to really clean the house (like going through toys to donate) while he’s at school, and working on my sewing project, but it’s worth having the time home with him.


Contribute to Depression?

It wasn’t the best years of my life. I got taken advantage of, girls would borrow money but never return.

Girls said I couldn’t play basketball I was too short, because I wasn’t “cool enough” how rude.

A softball coach learned I was a year older than my peers so I got kicked off the team, either I play they forfeit every game or I could be the score keeper, I was so mad and cried and screamed her name was Candy, not so sweet. Why would someone ruin my team?

I guess when I left public school that’s why I resorted to horses and always being at the barn, very therapeutic.

Someone said “depression” is from the past but as far back from junior high?

What do you think? If you suffer from depression where does it come from?

My very own language #charliecountrycowboy

I’ve always had my very own language, it started in 6th grade when I had to have a speech therapist, I don’t know why I couldn’t speak my own language.

Getting older and done with school, I could speak my own language, my friend always said I spoke gibberish; I always jumble my words to this day I still slur my words.

In my mind and friends I made up a whole new language and they understood it.

As an adult its not fun to slur your words, but I’ve a disease that makes me slur, thank you dear disease. I won’t ever be able to not slur my words. Its not funny anymore.

Dear Bipolar

Dear Bipolar,

Why are you so different everyday? One day you can be calm and collective the next you’re moving around like Super Nanny that can do everything/save the world all in one day. But you make me make me stupid decisions when I’m at my worst and take over my brain and emotions. I can’t sit still when I’m in a hypo mania I feel like I’ve ADD.

When I’m in a low I wish I wouldn’t just crash and be depressed when people can’t understand me, including my husband who is with me til death do us part and sickness n health. I’m mentally sick and no one can see you but I can feel you. You aren’t my best friend I wish you never came around. Please leave me alone.

Much appreciated,

Bipolar Sufferer

SADS and Depression!

Tis the season for SADS and depression.
With my bipolar diagnosis, sometime I’m good, no feeling depressed, anxious, or depression which is awesome.

This last monthish i went into a small mania, called my doctor and had my medicine adjusted. Whats nice is I can tell when I feel the difference, and get the help I need right away.After.going through a small mania you go through a depression. Mine get even worse in the cold dark weather and the holidays.

My depression this time is kinda worse, with losing my best friend. She’s decided to stop talking to me and doesn’t welcome my son at her house anymore. I’ve with me all the time, being a stay at home mom your kids kinda go with you everywhere. When you can’t pay a babysitter or afford a daycare/outside preschool because you didn’t get approved for the


ee program


I don’t want to do anything but mopp around. Crying spells occasionnally. My son keeps me moving. I’m a senior companion they keep me moving too, so I don’t stay too much in a slump. I really enjoy their company too. My son goes with me which they enjoy. Shows him compassion too and how to treat his elders. Obeying parents not so much, lol. He doesn’t get the verse Ephesians 6:1- “Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right!”

Hopefully this winter will pass fast!!!

Hurricane Harvey

We pray for you to whirl your way back where you came from. Many homes and families including businesses have been destroyed. 

If you’ve any ideas to raise funds or collect children’s toys/coloring books activities for them to do. I’ll find a way to get it transferred if you’ll want to donate anything!

Please Be Praying

I got a text from my dad saying his brother was in the ICU. I immediately jumped and called my dad. He said my uncle had a seizure.

My uncle texted me this morning, I thought it was kinda weird being in the ICU with a seizure to be texting and not remembering what happened to him. So I asked what the doctors said, and he said liver failure,which he just lost his girlfriend to back in May.

I don’t know if he’ll be eligable for a transplant, they say you’ve to be clean of substances for 6-12 months before being on a list, or is it to get the transplant? I don’t know, never had to be in that situation before, never do I ever want to be.

My uncle is 53, and never changed his ways once he turned 13, wrong crowd wrong time. Even being a great uncle having a blast in the summer at grandma’s pool. I loved how all the guys would make big waves in the pool and I told them to stop it was hard for me to swim, and I was getting water up my nose,lol. Did they listen? NO!!! I ended up throwing up my lunch in the pool, pay back!!!

My uncle continues to threaten to beat me horse racing, I always tell him “you can kiss my dust” , I can jump on my horse faster lol, cause I’m more advanced. I’m waiting for the day we get to race and I prove him right!




Good Bye

Memory, hello sticky notes and notepad for notes in the car when I remember something. For home for when I remember or write something down to ask my husband when he gets home. Otherwise if I don’t I’ll forget anything I need. Making lists for the kids school supplies will be like double checking 3 times. Making him lunch relooking 2 or 3 times to make sure I have everything.  

I know that pregnant woman have “the baby brain/pregnancy brain” but where’s my post baby memory. My mom always tells me we never have any memories after the baby comes because all our brain cells come with the baby, so they suck all our memory and energy out. Right? So true. But I can tell you everything about my 2010 car accident and my whole delivery of my son like it was yesterday. But to tell you why I’m in a room I couldn’t tell you what for or what day it is. What happened from 2012-today I can’t really tell you, I’ve been through so much and put on so many perscriptions its not even funny. Back in the day I could do a real long multiplication or division problem in a heartbeat now I can’t even add two  number to get 600 without writing the problem on a piece of paper. That was in 2007. 

I miss my memory. Please don’t leave forever, come back. 

Dear Best Friends

R- I’m so proud of where we’ve come since the day we met. We’ve done so much together, you did my make up for my wedding, you chose me as a bridesmaid 3 years later, I’m grateful God put us together, wether we were playing with my pony or dressing up for weddings. I love you Salsa! 

S- Oh how I miss you and my Grace n Lou Lou. Thank you for being my big sister. And let me cry to you about anything. When I see my girls, I’m going to squeeze them so hard!!! And you too!!! 150 miles is too far to see u everyday! 

A&A- You and I are sisters from the same BIG mister in Heaven watching us one day we’ll be with Him and Belli-Button. You are my bigger sister I NEVER EVER HAD! And now I can tell on you and you get in trouble even if I started it HAHA! Being the oldest of 6 siblings, I’m always the one to blame. God put us together for a reason, to lift us up and cry on each others shoulders and of A for being my fav. 4 legged niece. We are going to compete her in agility and she going to fly high!!!

How Bad 48 Hours Turned Around

Friday and Saturday were very emotional days. Do I know why? No, other than I was hurt, totally tired and stressed. I thought I was losing my BFF, however its not like that. I thank God for helping us stay together. I cried thinking about losing her. Friday, was a busy day, I keep my son and I very busy to get away from anxiety and stress.

Saturday I was still crying at breakfast I felt everything I did was my fault for not being the best or doing things wrong. No one wants to feel that way ever! Then of course I watched a sad movie, which didn’t help lol. By afternoon my son was hitting and punching me, so I cried again, and my husband put my son in his room, when he came out to apologize to me, and I balled like someone died, I just cried asking him why he treats me bad, but never daddy. I held him tight.

By Saturday night I almost just stayed home from going out away from the stress and be alone, but I knew if I’d stay home, I’d just cry the whole time, which is never good. I took a nice hot shower before leaving which made me feel so much better. We all went to the tractor/truck pulls. I took pics and relaxed. At the last class, I had to pee,  lol. But after I didn’t go back and watch I went over to the country music and danced away. There was an older man grabbing a bunch of us woman, and we all kinda danced in a circle however we wanted to, it made!!!! Dancing helps release stress and is great exercise.

Sunday, my husband and son went to the in laws, which I went with my parents to a beautiful park to shoot some pics of my Aunt and Uncle, it was fun and nice weather for it too. Being in the sun was hot, and walking for 3 hours killed me, we were all covered in sweat! Hey what’s family for when you can put your armpits in their face. And my uncle said did u put deodorant on today? “I said yes I did” He asked the 4 hour lasting or the 24 hour” I said yes the 24  hour ding dong” I love family lol. That was the best day of my weekend.

Happy Monday All!

Daily Prompt: Tea

via Daily Prompt: Tea


Oh my, how I love my Sweet Tea!!! Even living in the Chicago Land Area, I love it!  And when I go even more south, it gets better and better!!!

I loved going to the fair for 4th of July fireworks in Ohio, and the one vendor had a sign, “Get a BIG cup of Sweet Ice Tea”, yes it called my name. For $2, Its mine!!!

I drank raspberry tea toward the end of my pregnancy to make my son move faster,lol ladies you get this!

Camomile Tea- is so great for relaxing!

Hot tea in the winter or if you have a cold, add a little lemon and honey and it helps the sore throat!

Sleepy time tea is awesome if you’ve a hard time going to sleep and rest easily.

Teas up! Have a great day!!!



Pray for this man 

I’ve adopted this couple as my grandparents. I’ve known them for over 9 years, go to my church, Mrs p has been praying for me a lot. She just recently lost her mom at age 98. We all loved Mother deeply. So Mr p has been sick lately coughing having asthma symptoms. End of June he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, out of no where. I was heart broken the Drs did a biopsy June 30th and tests came back July 3rd its official stage 4 cancer. How does a completely healthy 60s something man no smoking and all of a sudden boom he’s got 4 stage cancer? I know everything happens in God’s timing sometimes I don’t understand. Just like everyone else. Of the last 4 years I’ve lost 5 ppl I dearly love. The day we took this pic I cried my eyes out, I’ve puffy eyes and a fake smile. But its in God’s hands and when he calls him home, I know he’s going to a better place!!! 

My God given desire

I read in a biblical article, I get once a month by Charles Stanley, 3 years ago I discovered my God given talent among other talents. This one touched my heart dearly and I’d like to share it to you.

In this article I read about how a lady had asked her friend when her friend’s husband had passed away, and asked her friend if she could have her husband’s clothes to make a quilt out of them. Weird I know right. Well I was inspired by it and when my Grandma passed away 3 years ago, I asked my mom and aunts to get me as much of my Grandma’s clothes they would bring me to make a quilt, and I did it, it took awhile, and my other Grandma helped me as well.

Now,I’m working on my friend’s daughter’s clothes when she passed 2 years ago at the age of 14, do to an ATV accident. I love making quilts and pillows with peoples clothes to have that family smell and memories forever rather than donating their clothes or selling them.


Please anyone who has a deceased loved one, I’d love to do this for you for a small fee, and shipping back to you.

Happy 4th Everyone!

Thank you for all the men and woman who put their lives on the line for our freedom, and making American who we are today.

Today isn’t the easiest for me today, no story, just pray for me. As well as my BFF( aka big sister), 2 years ago today she lost her daughter due to an ATV accident, so today we are sad she’s gone, but rejoice she’s in Heaven watching us! Today is all about Isabelle. Happy Heaven Day Angel Isabelle we miss you and love you so much!! I’m here with your mama!

Yesterday I got to meet three veterans plus a retired police officer, I couldn’t be more thankful for my law enforcement and First Responders!

Oh yeah, funny for today: Remember to be nice to your nurses, they keep the doctor from killing you,lol! I’m ready for some funny phrases to keep me going today, so blow up my comments with the funniest jokes pics anything!!


Love ya’ll!

I wanna be!

I wanna be fearless. Nothing to block me down. But why when so close to God I still have fears? Where do they come from? Other than the obvious fear of heights? Or bugs? I don’t get it!

I don’t know!!

I don’t know if I should keep blogging. I’ve made a lot of great people, but social media is overwhelming me. But I want to write a blog about my adopted Grandma but first I need permission. And my big blog about my uncle. Any advice? Any blogs to write about? I need some help from my fellow followers!!!

8 years and counting!!! 

Today 8 years ago at 1pm CT my daddy walked me down the isle, I had just stopped crying from the overwhelming morning, and then my groom at the altar started crying and I cried more. What a beautiful day, sunny, nice breeze. Receiving line, I thought was never going to end. I got hot and made the janitor turn the air down, lol. I’m never hot, I’m always the coldest in 90° weather. 

I just visited an elderly couple from church who’s been married 64 years. 

Here’s to many years ahead!

Big Day!

My friend is having surgery today, I don’t know what time, but it’s a major surgery. Can ya’ll pray for her please? She already has enough stress going on in her life, she could use the uplifting, and for the doctors, nurses, anesthesiologist to lead them in the right direction, and keep her safe. Thanks all!

A Man in Uniform


  • Where to begin… My aspirations to be a police officer goes waaaay back to maybe first grade. All I ever wanted to be is a police officer. I professionally have never been issued a K9 however my Department has many K9 partners and have seen them in action. Our dept has drug enforcement dogs, explosive article search dogs, and a missing person / cadaver search dog. I’ve escorted dog handlers and their partners during area searches for dangerous or suicidal subjects. The majority of the time the search ended in the capture of the subject.

  • I’ve been a certified police officer for near close to 15 years now. I have pulled over off duty officers and provide them the same discretion as anyone else. I can say that other officers might give a little more discretion however only for minor infractions. If the off duty officer was DUI, I know that the officer would be charged.

  • My wife is also a police officer for another department while my uncle and cousin are also police officers. I would never discourage my son or daughter from being a police officer. I would only hope they think out whatever direction of career they choose.

  • I’ve been in many dangerous situations. Some of those situations have been arriving at scenes of homicides one of which involved the home invasion and multiple stabbing of a elderly subject. I’ve also responded to rapes of adults and children, shootings, suicides, fatal accidents, out of control fights and multiple numerous domestic situations.

  • As you can tell that this job can be stressful beyond belief. I combat the stress by participating in daily workouts, family time, travel, and rest. Even with a wife in the same profession we manage to leave work at work. After all of this, I can say I still love my job. It’s getting harder everyday. It seems like more people are challenging our authority everyday. I personally don’t ask for much from people, just that they relax and cooperate. If I do something wrong than their is a procedure in place to take care of that. I do a lot of traffic enforcement and about 98% of the time it ends in a quick warning. I don’t and never have liked issuing citations. The world is a hard enough place and people need to be reminded and educated on traffic safety not harassed.

  • The hardest part about learning to be a police officer is learning how to deal with the public. Knowing how to relate or communicate with people can be challenging. So many different personalities, cultures, races, languages, and thought processes it’s hard to process and teach to a new police officer. There are officers finishing a 30 plus career and still couldn’t figure out how to relate with the different people.

  • I for one keep a good open mind and try to relate as best as I can. It’s worked for me so far.

  • As far as shooting goes, I don’t hate shooting but I’m not a huge gun guy. I don’t shoot for fun however do shoot for training only. I’ve been on SWAT however have since switched to to the negotiations response team. I feel that people could be helped better sometimes through non violent endings however understand and accept that sometimes you have to take violent action to save others.

  • No one can say that this is an easy job. I do wear my body armor every shift. Never leave home without it. My goal is to finish my shift and make it home to be with my family.

  • Most officers are drawn to detective work. Being data driven workers, we all learn to use deductive reasoning to do our jobs, just like out of a Sherlock Homes novel. A patrolman starts a case and goes home while a detective constantly works a case till the end. It’s something that all of most officers have to do at some point in their careers.

  • We do have dedicated crime scene officers who usually respond to homicides or suspicious death investigations, major value burglaries if needed, shooting investigations to name a few. We also have street officers who have the ability to process smaller investigations as to not bother requesting a crime scene officer.

  •  I like to say my favorite part of this job is knowing that whenever possible I make people feel better after helping them. I’ve heard people say that a officers job isn’t done until they ticked someone off. I think that is silly and I personally and professionally strive to find solutions to problems instead of quick fixes. Oh and yes firemen and police get along great. We can give each other a hard time but all in good fun.

    All in all, this officer is out there to protect our lives, and help keep our community safe. I give him gratitude for what he does, and will do. I appreciate his dedication and hard work.


3 years today 

3 years ago my Grandma J got to meet Jesus. 8 years ago she was diagnosed with cancer, but it went away by the grace of God. Until May 10th Mother’s Day none the less, she was really sick the next day her bff took her to a hospital they gave her an inhaler for pneumonia, she refused. The next day May 14th her bff took her to another hospital they admitted her with pneumonia and was bring treated. Her doctor heard a lot fluid in her lungs and drained about a liter of fluids to test it, it again was cancer this time it was too late to save, it was choking her she was on oxygen, and eventually on morphine, exactly 16 days in the hospital and my grandma passed at 80. It was endometriosis metastatic cancer, I was with her 12 hours before she went, I know she was fighting but I told her it was okay to go see Jesus we’d be okay and I love her! 

Memorial Day!

What is it? A day to remember those who have served, currently serving, and those we lost in war.

We’re thankful for them for fighting for our country’s Freedom!

What it isn’t? Just another holiday!

In memory of those lost, take a moment in silence for them!

In honor of those who served/ are serving Thank You! I couldn’t be more grateful for what they’ve done, and will do!

When I get a chance to see a militarist I always say “Thank you for your service, and shake their hand”

I’ve 1 member of my family who served: and  his name Great Uncle Paul!!


Thank you!!!!


Sitting in line, okay standing in line for 15-20 mins is ridiculous! I’ve 5 things for my sister’s college graduation party cupcakes. 22 check out lanes and 6 self check outs only like 10 open,awesome!!! Happy Saturday All!!!

National Police Week!


I don’t know this police officer, but someone does, he’s someone’s son, father, husband, friend! Either way, respect him, and other first responders, they aren’t to harm you, but to protect you. Do they pull us over? Sure,why to protect us if we’ve a headlight out,so we can see at night when driving,so we can see other drivers and they can see us to avoid an accident. Speeding? Yes, to protect us from hurting other drivers or ourselves.

I wish there were officers who could pull over the drunk drivers before they kill others, is it the police? No, it’s the alchol in the drivers blood stream. The leagal alcohol point to drive is 0.008, if your level is 1 point higher you are legally drunk.

They are the first responders to a car accident, to help people out of their vehicals if they can, and keep them calm until the meds and firefighters get there. They’re there to defend you if it wasn’t your fault for the accident and take your report of what happened. I was hit by another car in 2010, who was the first on the scene? The police!! Did it help that she hit 4 other cars as well, and turned my vehicle 90 degrees and ended up missing 2 months of work from a fractured shoulder, that still hurts to this day, no? But they were there to ticket her, and get everyone’s statements from others in the accident and witnesses from the side.

They don’t use their guns to kill, they use them to protect themselves and their partners, and their K-9’s which is also their partners for life.

Let’s take a stand for our men and woman in all uniform not just today, everyday!

God Bless Them!

Dear Younger Me!

Dear Younger Me,

Where do I start? First I’d say look under your bed for old letters from your best friends. It’s hard to break up after your first boyfriend, who you wanted to marry, its pain and fast, you got so much going for you, he’s not worth it to be crying over to survive, hunny your “Knight in shining armor, ended up being alummin foil, you’ll find your Prince Charming will be wearing God’s Armour to protect you.

Have a little faith, and know the kids you grew up with won’t be there after 18, because you’re not too cool, to not be changing boyfriends everyday like underwear, too keep your self pure as long as you can, not drinking underage,or at all, no smoking, no kissing other girls, just be yourself its worth it! You’ll find better friends after marriage, doing bible studies with great Women Of God!

Each and everytime you have a fight, just assume your wrong and mom and dad are always right, because someday you’ll say/do exactly as they did, and still do. You’ve so much ahead you’ll have the best years in your life, when you find your spouse, who will love you through thick and thin. Thank Mr. Thompson for getting you out of your “comfort zone” without him you wouldn’t be so courageous and do “dangerous things” like riding crazy horses, going on a mission trip that you pray yourself to safety places. Talk to people you never know at parks, and take pics of strangers. Walk up to dogs you don’t even know, being bit by a dog at age 4, who bit through your skin and broke a vein in your arm, and being brave enough to have 18 stitches inside your arm to repair your vein and 4 big stitches on the outside of it.

When you get married mom will ask you if you want to remove the scar from your arm, and you say “No,because it has a story its been part of you for 18 years,why change now?” You will marry a uncondional loving man, through thick and thin. And have a beautiful child who yes, you will go through trials and tribulates but not fear God is with you even when you get diagnosed with mental illnesses, he’ll help you through the hard days.

Yes, you are going to loose your grandparents 6 years apart, and feel like you’re dying when grandpa dies,because you were so close to him, but remember the good days, when you’d spend the summer with him and grandma having the best times ever: feeding and playing with Patty’s puppies, naming the puppies (yes one of them I named Hercules, because he had a ‘H’ shaped on his forehead), having the “lawn mower lady”  stop over randomly, playing cards with grandma and grandpa(Skip-O and Uno) while watching Wheel of Fortune and lots of game shows. Letting you drive at 14 on the ole back gravel country roads. You make a great relationship between you and grandma when you’re 23, you call her every week or everyother week. She’s lonely now that Grandpa’s gone, she needs you. Now, she’s got cancer, and needs you even more than you know it.

She beats cancer,YES!!!! Cancer kiss this! She gets to meet her great-grandson when he’s 4 months, and will see him for another 14 months, at 18 months he’ll be kissing her in the hospital, and kissing her good-bye at her funeral, and still asks about her at 4 and you tell him everything about her. 4 years later you’re going to get the phone call that grandma is sick in the hospital and you tell your husband, it’s time to go see  her, no matter what, this could be the last at her age, we never know when we’re going to see our grandparents again, even if they’re released from the hospital, this time she won’t be coming home, in 16 days she’s going to be rejoicing and singing with Jesus and be reunited with Grandpa.

The days are short,remember to have fun,some days are long, but it’s always an hour or two ahead of time somewhere. Or hours ahead serving our country to protect our freedom and nation in hot weather wearing heavy gear, and hot clothes, along with their hot heavy boots, walking hours/days on end with no food, and not talking to family, or seeing family for months at a time, when you have the priviledge to do all these things in a day. Respect your elders, military, the law, others. Love people, no matter their situation/race/religion, show the love of Christ.

Your Older Self



Join Momma’s Party – May

Come join the party!!! 🎊

A Momma's View

This year, on the 15th of each month, I will invite you to come over and party with me. Share your link and meet other bloggers in my feed.



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  • Say hi to at least 3 other bloggers who left a comment (visit the link they left and leave a comment there so they know you came over and will visit you too)
  • Share this post with your readers and tag it with #MommasBlogParty. Invite your readers, to join in too. The more the merrier 🙂

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Mother’s Day classic: Why birth order matters

Too all the 1-3 children 4 children and more good luck!!!

bluebird of bitterness


1st baby: You start wearing maternity clothes as soon as you have a positive pregnancy test.

2nd baby: You wear your regular clothes for as long as you can squeeze into them.

3rd baby: Your maternity clothes ARE your regular clothes.


1st baby: You practice your breathing exercises religiously.

2nd baby: You don’t bother, because you learned the hard way that the breathing exercises don’t help.

3rd baby: You ask for an epidural in your eighth month.


1st baby: You pre-wash all the baby clothes, color-coordinate them, and fold and store them neatly.

2nd baby: You check to make sure that the clothes are clean and throw out only the ones with the worst stains.

3rd baby: A few boxes of disposable diapers and a small stack of hand-me-down t-shirts will do the trick.


1st baby: You spend a good bit of…

View original post 401 more words

Dear Younger Sister

Dear Sister,

I know right now you’re in your rebelious stage of life, I was there too. But you’re hurting our family. Please don’t let your relationship with your boyfriend and moving out affect your relationship with your sisters, and our parents. I miss you, and I know what I did yesterday may’ve not been the brightest thing to do, but I did it out of love for you and our sister Liz on her day of gradution from college. Now she’s starting her new career in social working. And one day we all may not be living 15-30 mins from you.

When I was younger, that was what I wanted too,was to leave at 18 and get away from family, but I’m so glad I didn’t, yeah my relationship ended with the stupid boy, but you know I had our family to support me through thick and thin. We are always there for you and always be there for you no matter the choices you make. We love you and miss you very much. I hope some day you will see this, and start talking to us and seeing us, you’re really missing out on seeing your nephews grow up. One is about to start Pre School in August, the other will be 3 in Sept. I hope you come around to be there for them when they turn 3 and 5. You missed my birthday.

Mother’s Day is next Sunday, I hope you will see our mother and me on our special day. And the Sunday after is mom’s birthday, and I hope you will see her on her special day as well, and May 30th is the 3rd year anniversary of her mother being gone, I hope you understand we need you bad in the next couple weeks that you’d come around, with or without your boyfriend.

I love and miss you,

Your Older Wiser Sister



Listening to the radio yesterday they were talking about recharging our bodies and how we are so busy with life we forget to relax and let our bodies recharge. 

Recharging our bodies  helps gives us more energy, feel better physically and mentally. 

If we don’t recharge our bodies we get worn out stressed, overwhelmed, tired, makes us sick. Please relax, read a book, take a nap, watch tv/movies, and good nights sleep. 

We’re Home!

My lil man did great, no tears leaving mommy n daddy. Doctor said he did really well, and she got everything out to biopsy it, I hugged her she’s so awesome, I wouldn’t recommend anyone but her. He was a little tough when he came to, which is what the anesthesiologist said, they can be fighters, criers, and the clingy type, oh yeah when he woke he def flying hands, trying to get out of my lap, and wanting down. Ate a snack and drink while watching his cartoons was ready to go home about an hour after surgery. 


I won’t be blogging til Sunday, enjoy your weekend all. My son is having surgery tomorrow morning 9:30am Central Time to remove a cyst off his neck he’s had since birth. None cancerous but needs to be removed before kids start asking what it is. And how it got there. And now my son has been picking at it, bye bye extra cartilage no more! Or told by the doctors its a “gill” apparently we all had gills and his didn’t close. 

40 things about me

1Whats your philosophy in life?

Live like there’s no tomorrow, sing like no one’s around, dance in the rain

2. Whats the one thing you would like to change about yourself?

My teeth, one day

3. Are you religious or spiritual?


4. Do you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert? Both

5. Which parent are you closer to and why?

Both now, when I was a rebellious teen I wasn’t close to either one. I came closer to my mom after I had my son, and my Dad he’s always there to put me in my place!

6. What was the best phase in your life?

2003-2007 I was baptized in 2003, had my first bf for 2 years, ended on a good note.

2012- having my soon

2009- married my husband!

7. What was the worst phase in your life?

April 2007- lost my grandpa that I was closest to. 

May 2014- lost my grandma to ovarian cancer

8. Is what youre doing now what you always wanted to do growing up?

Kinda, I knew I wanted kids, maybe 2, but after 1 I’m done, lol. I wanted to be a nurse, but never went to college,graduated HS and went into the working world. Could’ve made my way up in Target. 

9. What makes you feel accomplished? 

Cleaning my house

10. Whats your favorite book/movie of all time and why did it speak to you so much?

Book: Priscilla Shirer bible studies, she’s so awesome! Movie: Miss Congeniality, I love Sandra Bullock she’s hilarious!

11. What is a relationship deal breaker for you?


12. Are you more into looks or brains?


13. Would you ever take back someone who cheated?


14. How do you feel about sharing your password with your partner?

My husband and I don’t share.

15. When do you think a person is ready for marriage?

When they are willing to be committed to their spouse/spouse only

16. What kind of parent do you think you will be?

Well too late, I’m already a good parent my worst would be when I was manic and didn’t know it. But after being treated for my bipolar I’m back to normalcy, what is normal? 

17. What would you do if your parents didnt like your partner?

They’ve always liked my boyfriends I only had 2 my ex-boyfriend and my husband

18. Who is that one person you can talk to about just anything?

My husband, my bffs

19. Do you usually stay friends with your exes?


20. Have you ever lost someone close to you?


21. If you are in a bad mood, do you prefer to be left alone or have someone to cheer you up?

Leave me alone. Otherwise my anger will escalate! 

22. Whats an ideal weekend for you?

Chores and church

23. What do you think of best friends of the opposite sex?

Best friends, no friends, yes

24. Do you judge a book by its cover?


25. Are you confrontational?

Confrontational? No, voice my opinion yes!

26. When was the last time you broke someones heart?


27. Would you relocate for love?

Where my husband goes, I go

28. Did you ever write a journal?

When I was younger yes, now blogging is so much better!

29. What are you most thankful for?

Family,friends, Jesus dying for my sins.

30. Do you believe in second chances?

Depends on situation

31. Whats the one thing that people always misunderstand about you?

My mental illness

32. What is your idea of a perfect vacation?

Cabin in the woods

33. What did your past relationship teach you?

It always hurts before it gets better. God,family,friends,yourself then everything after. Dating younger guys is a bad idea. He didn’t tell me that, I figured it out by myself.

34. What are your thoughts on online dating ?

I met one guy online we went on one date, my horse riding lesson, lol. And bowling he asked me out via text yeah unacceptable!

35. Whats on your bucket list this year?

To eventually ride a horse

36. When have you felt your biggest adrenaline rush?

When manic

37. What is the craziest thing youve ever done and would you do it again? 

Riding crazy barn sour horse. Yes, but with a helmet this time

38. If a genie granted you 3 wishes right now, what would you wish for?

1- all our bills to be paid off 

2- horses

3- no more mental illness and no medicine

39. Whats your biggest regret in life?

I have no regrets

40. What do you think about when youre by yourself?

By myself with a toddler? Haha! When I actually get me time I go to a quiet place at the local park in the woods to clear my head.

Day 27&28


Day 27: What makes me feel better, always:

Would be my son, talking to God, reading my Bible, Sunshine, Going on walks, Taking Pics.

Day 28: Last time I cried: HHHMMMM, I’m not really a cryer, so maybe 2-3 weeks ago? although I may cry Friday when my son goes in for surgery!

Day 24-26 ( oops behind)



Day 24) Difficult time in my life would be back in  2014, when I was real sick, and my husband, son, and I had to live with my in-laws for about 4 months. Then lived with my husbands grandma for a month, but for I could go back to our house.

Day 25) Best Physical Features would be my hair, smile, I maybe little but I’m very strong. Don’t under mistake a small girl/woman. I’ve handled big horses that want to pull you, but I hold on tight, and show them whose boss. I take no crap from anyone.

Day 26) Five Favorite Blogs:

  1. My Anxiety Blog
  2. Grandma Blog
  3. Famous in a Smalltown
  4. My Valentine’s Blog
  5. My first Blog